Needless to say, just over eighteen months later, our brand is standing tall in the Wellington rental market and pushes forward each and ever day in our campaign to improve property management within New Zealand. ?

When Tommy’s Property Management opened its’ doors to the Wellington market in February 2017, we were under no illusions that the road ahead was going to be easy. Managing property can be a difficult road to navigate. Juggling tenants, landlords, vacant properties, maintenance and inspections is complex at the best of times, let alone when the industry is facing mounting media scrutiny and legislative changes. Add to those pressures the reputation for results instilled in the company from our real estate parent and you’re left with a task which would be no small feat to achieve.

Recently, the team at Tommy’s Property Management was invited to attend the annual gala for the Leading Property Managers Association awards dinner in Auckland. Three days of conference, all culminating in the annual property management awards.

The Leading Property Managers Association is an organisation founded to improve the quality of property managers throughout New Zealand. Member companies are bound by a strict schedule of best practice guidelines, derived to ensure that all companies affiliated with LPMA offer nothing except exceptional service.

With frequent education for property management companies through the LPMA conference series, the organisation is held in prestigious regard among the industry, particularly across Australia and New Zealand. ?

The annual conference this year, held in Auckland, saw three hundred and twelve attendees from nearly one hundred companies  from throughout New Zealand in attendance over three days of conference.

Abraham Lincoln once said “Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.” This is a philosophy that has been adopted by Tommy’s, particularly in the property management space. Needless to say, when Tommy’s found themselves nominated as finalists for three categories at this years annual LPMA awards dinner, our philosophy paid off.

On a company level, we were nominated in “Excellence in Customer Service” and “Excellence in Innovation.” These awards celebrate companies that not only strive to provide outstanding levels of service to all who use their company, but also companies who go above and beyond the regular systems in place for managing property and find innovative ways to improve the experience of property management. While we did not take these awards home, to be nominated for them is a huge privilege.

As a finalist, out of multiple applicants, we were held in excellent company and to be considered for this award is an excellent recognition of the efforts that the whole team at Tommy’s display each and every day in their efforts to exceed the expectations of our clients. ?

On a personal level, our Business Development Manager Jack Vale was a finalist for “Excellence in Business Development Management.” For anyone who has dealt with Jack before, it will be no surprise to see that he was announced the winner on the evening. Jack has performed outstandingly for Tommy’s and their clients – dedicating himself to providing a high quality service that owners and tenants alike have appreciated.

Given that this was not only our first year to be eligible for these awards, but our first year in business, we are overjoyed with these results and we are excited to see what the future will hold. ?

Moving forward, these awards mean a great deal to us. At Tommy’s, we are thrilled to be recognised for the achievements of our team as they continue to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of excellence. Yet while the recognition is a wonderful part of this, the underlining fact is that it further binds us to providing a service which is unique in its quality. We will continue to strive for innovation, finding new ways every day to provide service that exceeds expectations.

Landlords and tenants alike can choose Tommy’s knowing that they are buying into a service that is recognised amongst some of the best in the country. We can’t wait to continue our journey and hope that Wellington landlords will now look to Tommy’s Property Management and know that they have a partner in property that they can trust.

Feel free to give us a call anytime on04 381 8604 . We would love to help!

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