It is important that you make sure we know you want the property. At Tommy’s we strive to provide the best tenant for all of our landlords. Here are a few top tips to make sure you secure the property you want.

First Impressions Count

It is important to be remembered for the right reasons. You cannot make a second first impression. Ensure you turn up on time and be considerate of others viewing the property at the same time.

Be Honest

Few people have a spotless history, with so much information online these days, it is a bad idea to fudge the truth. Don’t make up references, give accurate information and stick to the facts.

Make Sure All Reference Contact Information is Correct

Properties in Wellington attract a lot of tenant interest and landlords what their proprieties tenanted quickly. Whilst we will try to get in touch with all of your chosen references, if the contact information you have provided is incorrect we may not consider your application due to time constraints. It is important to us at Tommy’s that we can provide the best possible tenant for our landlords this means a character reference is essential.

Register Your Interest As Soon As Possible

As previously stated, the demand for rental properties is very high. To ensure you do not miss out on your ideal property, apply as soon as possible and ensure that you attend the first viewing.

Make Your Application As Uncomplicated As Possible

In order to ensure our property managers can process applications quickly, please ensure you only include the necessary documentation. Keep extra information on hand, just in case we require this later.

Be Ready to Move

It is important to make sure that you can move into the property on the day it becomes available. As a property manager we want our properties vacant for the shortest time possible. Ensure utilities such as power, broadband and telephone services are notified of your move so that they can be connected at your new property. To streamline this process we use a company called MoovMe. Click here for more information:

Feel free to give us a call anytime on04 381 8604 . We would love to help!

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