Landlords have been hit with the impact of a new government, changing legislation, and all while trying to keep track of a busy market.

The reality of it is, being a landlord is an evolving trade and keeping up with the Jones’ is easier said than done.

Over Christmas however, the life of a landlord is a difficult one. ?

Anyone who invests in property has clearly made some smart decisions along the line, and has worked extremely hard to be in a position to do so.

When you’re working hard, the Christmas break is an opportunity to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. Murphy’s law dictates then, that something will go wrong with your investment property during the one time that you are trying to switch off.

So how do you navigate the Christmas break as a landlord and make it as stress free as possible? Can you take your well deserved holiday outside of the city your investment property is in? Can you comfortably enjoy your break and rest assured that nothing will go wrong?

We’ve put together a quick guide on making the Christmas break as stress free as possible.

1. Prepare with your tenant ?

Find out what your tenants’ plans are over the holiday period. If your tenant is away from the property for an extended period of time, it may be worth requesting permission to drop by, or have someone drop by the property on your behalf, a few times during their absence just to make sure that everything is in good order.

Of course, this must be done with prior arrangement from the tenant. Knowing your tenants’ movements during the holidays and creating a plan ahead of time will allow for a better response in the event of emergencies.

2. Have a back up plan ?️

If you’re going overseas, the chance of a tenant getting in contact with you could be pretty slim. The last thing you want when you’re on your holiday is to be contacted at 3am to find out that you’ve got a burst waterpipe flooding your rental property.

Give your tenants the details of trusted tradespeople or an authorised contact who can action things on your behalf, and that they can call directly in the event of an emergency.

That way, you won’t have your well deserved holiday interrupted by trying to organise maintenance from overseas!

Brief your tradespeople ahead of time and encourage them to fix only what is an emergency. Give them a cost limit and ensure they send you detailed descriptions of the work done.

3. Value your tenant ?

Christmas is notoriously a time of giving.

We are often blown away by the generosity of our clients who choose to buy their tenants a small gift at the Christmas period to say thank you for their good tenure of the property throughout the year.

Tenants are staying longer

Doing so is not only an incredibly kind gesture to your tenant, but also helps to improve your relationship with them moving forward. Good tenants and a good tenant-landlord relationship are the keys to success in the property management game!

Navigating the Christmas period is essential. As a landlord, it will inevitably be one of your most challenging periods. Being prepared ahead of time will make things not only less stressful for you, but more enjoyable for your tenant.

Happy tenants renew contracts and are more accommodating further down the line.

Coming back in the new year too will be a busy time, so ensuring that you make the most of your Christmas break is imperative.

For obligation free advice on navigating the tricky Christmas and New Year period for your rental property, feel free to give us a call anytime on 04 381 8604.

The entire team at Tommy’s Property Management, and I would like to extend our warmest wishes and hope that you have a very safe and Happy Christmas and New Year.

We look forward to coming into 2019 with a hiss and a roar, and continuing to offer tailored advice to our clients.

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