Pre amble

I chose Tommy’s Property management after an extensive selection process. Initially I was nervous about using a large well know “name” company in the property management game, as I did not want to become just another client. I am pleased to say this did not happen. I am a very proactive owner and expect a high level of communication from my property managers. I wanted a proactive company with intelligent young but experience property managers. It was very important that the company I choose was tech savvy and had a high level of computerisation, not only the landlords information but information for tenants and prospective tenants. They also had to have fast and up to date automated communication systems.

I am pleased to say that my choice of Harrison Vaughan and Jack Vale of Tommy’s was the right choice. Both these guys are young, tech savvy and intelligent. They have a well set up system for managing my properties. Their communication not only with me but with the tenants is fast and efficient. There is a steady and transparent flow of information about my properties, often up to the minute.

The Handover Process

I had 24 separate tenancies to change over and this was handled swiftly and without fuss.

The transition process was apart from the old managers hopelessness, very easy. Harrison and Jack did a brilliant job of keeping me informed and moving the process ahead despite some serious interference from the old manager. They also maintained their sense of humour though out.

I have a number of good long term WINZ clients. These WINZ clients were dealt with quickly and efficiently. My policy is for WINZ to pay directly, not through the tenant. Harrison and Jack were only to happy to have the same set up. Then Harrison and Jack visited all tenants and took the time to carefully explained the change over of management and that this would only improve the service they received.

A letter, jointly written from both myself and Tommy’s was delivered to the tenants first. This was followed up by a phone call and a personal visit at a time to suit the tenant. An extensive information pack was delivered to each Tenant, including a tenant hand book for renting from Tommy’s. The overall response from the tenants was very positive and remains so some months on.

As with any change of management there were a couple of small issues. Harrison and Jack are very well organised and thought out of the box in dealing with these issues. They did not allow these issues to develop into problems and solved them quickly and sensibly. I was kept well informed through emails phone calls and messages at all stages.

General day to day management.

Whilst they are very good with the tenants have a have a good rapport with my tenants, my tenants only have positive comments about the guys and their communication, they are also careful to stay on top of any issues these tenants may have. While a friendly and personal

approach is taken no nonsense is tolerated. Their tenant section is excellent, and carefully done. Extensive checks are done on the prospective tenant. Because of their careful tenant selection process I have noticed a significant reduction in turn over rates and in issues of tenant related damage to properties. This in turn reduces costs and keep the properties in good high standard of up keep. Because of the good rapport with tenants and the quick flow of information any problems, leaky taps etc are fixed quickly. This keep the tenants happy and stops these issues escalating into wider problems of water damage etc.

In summary.

I am very pleased I made the decision to move the Tommy’s Property Management and have Harrison and Jack look after my Wellington properties. I have nothing negative to say about these guys. Their management is smooth and efficient. Harrison is easily able to be contacted even after hours and does what he says quickly and without fuss. Communication is easy and transparent.

You come away with the feeling that the guys are really making an effort to make sure your properties are well managed, and they are. My rents have increased with the market and I have much better tenants . Their tenant selection is excellent a result of this it has removed most of theproblems I have had in the past and insures rents are kept at a high level ensuring at the same, time a better class of tenants is acquired. Properties are kept in a better and cleaner state, with a lower turnover rate.

Their management is professional and efficient. I would highly recommend Harrison and Jack of Tommy’s Property Management. I am very happy I made the change.

Name withheld by request.

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